10 Motivational Books To Get Your Day Started

Motivation is like taking a shower, you need to do it daily. Motivation is often seen as being cheesy but what it really does is fill your bucket back up. You can't go out and give or motivate others all of the time without taking the time to fill yourself back up. Motivational books help to keep you on track for your own success. 

Lets be honest for a second, success is not easy. You're going to meet so many different obstacles that you don't see coming and you're not going to like it. There will be days where you're borderline depressed because you feel like you are failing at achieving your dream. 

On the other hand you could be looking for the motivation to take the first step into the rest of your life. Change can also be hard  because you have become so used to your old ways that stepping into the unknown is terrifying.

No matter why you need the motivation, these 10 books will give you the jump start you need to keep moving forward. 

#10 - 5 Second Rule

Motivational Books

5 Second Rule

Mel Robbins

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

Best system for taking action

The 5 second rule is one of the most motivational books you can read when you're in a slump. If you need to take that first step but maybe you're feeling depressed or just lack the motivation to do the work, Mel Robbins has the formula for you. 

Her story is powerful and she actually used this very rule to get out of bed and start working towards living her best life. She would just lay in bed in the morning and not do what she was supposed to do and then one morning she counted down from 5 and it shot her out of bed like a rocket. The rule works but understanding how it was made and the science is helpful.  This is a great add to your motivational books.

#9 - The Greatest Salesman In The World  

The Greatest Salesman in The World 

OG Mandino

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

Quick read to help you be your best self

The best thing about this book is how short it is. The author gives very practical tips to help you improve your life. But the points are told through a very easy to follow story. You could read this entire book in a day or two and feel much better about your life by the end of it. 

The book does not ask or expect you to do anything crazy or that seems unreasonable. All of the tips passed down are easy to follow and they are things that you can implement right away. The motivation is so good from this book that you will read it a few times. 

#8 - Drive

motivational books

Daniel Pink 

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

Understanding what motivates action

Drive is one of the best motivational books you can read because it explains the science behind what motivates us. The book is broken into three parts. 

  1. Autonomy 
  2. Mastery 
  3. Purpose 

If you have these three things in your life you will always be driven to keep putting in the work. Autonomy provides control over the outcome, mastery means you are improving and purpose is the reason why behind it all.

# 7 - Millionaire Fastlane 

Millionaire Fast Lane

MJ Demarco

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

Gives your vision a boost

Before you can become it you have to see it in your mind first. Its hard to become something you have not first seen mentally. Most people don't understand what financial freedom is or what it even looks like. In this book the author lays out what it stakes to be successful and he lays out a realistic blue print to get there. 

If you want to be an entrepreneur and find your own path to success, this book is going to leave you so inspired. You will want to leave your job and start building your business right away! 

#6 - The Richest Man in Babylon 

motivational books

The Richest Man in Babylon

Geroge S. Clason

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

A simple story full of impactful life lessons

Similar to The Greatest Salesman in the World, this is another short book on the list. The book was written in 1926 and people still praise the book to this day which says a lot about how good it is.

The best thing about the Richest man in Babylon, is how the story is easy to follow. Before you know it, the book is finished and you have some easy lessons that you can apply to your life right away.

#5 - So Good They Can't Ignore You 

motivational books

So Good They Can't Ignore You 

Cal Newport

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

Getting started does not need passion

The author does an amazing job blowing up the myth of passion. A lot of people think they need to do what they love but he makes a different argument. He explains that you don't need to love what you do at first, but it comes from time after you put in the work. 

The book is motivating because you realize you don't need to wait for some feeling to know you're on the right path. You just need to start working towards mastering some skills. 

#4 - Dare to Win 

motivational books

Dare to Win

Mark Hansen

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

The book is just inspiring 

The book is very much focused on changing the way you think. It wants you to understand how powerful your mind is and how a change in thought can change the entire world around you. Overall the book will inspire you to get started and to keep going with whatever it is that you want to do with your life. 

#3 - The Keys

The Keys

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

Will inspire you to make moves

DJ Khaled shocked me with this book. I never expected him to be so motivational but it really was. He did not change himself to make this book. He is the same guy he is all the time and uses the same lingo and everything he is saying just makes a lot of sense. 

He talks a lot about getting away from bad energy and getting around people who want to win with you. He also helps you to see how long it took for him to become a household name. He went through a lot and he had to keep betting on himself for a long time. 

#2 - Three Feet From Gold 

Three Feet From Gold 

Greg Reid 

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

Covers the stories of what others have endured

Three Feet From Gold is a classic book because it teaches many of the principles of Napoleon Hill, but its done by telling the story of a guy named Greg who is looking for success himself. Of course he feels his thoughts changing but does not see the results in his life yet and it gets him down. 

He sticks with it though, and because he never gives up he finishes his project. A long the path he learns from so many different successful athletes, entrepreneurs and world leaders. They all leave him with their key to success. 

#1-The Magic of Thinking Big 

As mentioned before, if you want to be successful you have to be able to see it first. This book has motivated so many people to expand their thinking and get outside of what is considered normal. You can't change the world until you change your thinking and begin thinking about things at a higher level. 

When you begin to see life at a high level you understand that you need to take more action in order to reach your goals. When your vision gets larger it means that you have to accomplish more in less time and this motivates you to get moving. The Magic of Thinking Big is one of the best motivational books. 

The Magic of Thinking Big 

David J Schwartz

Year Published

Why It Made The List 

One of the best books for expanding your vision

Summary of Motivational Books 

  1. The Magic of Thinking Big
  2. Three Feet From Gold 
  3. The Keys 
  4. Dare to Win 
  5. So Good They Can't Ignore You 
  6. Richest man in Babylon 
  7. Millionaire Fastlane
  8. Drove
  9. The Greatest Salesman in the World 
  10. 5 Second Rule

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