“Without the bad times, we wouldn’t appreciate the good times.” – Sailor Moon. Here are 32 Magical Sailor Moon Quotes.
Sailor Moon Quotes
1. “I won’t let you take advantage of women! Here’s the Mars Power flame of anger!” – Sailor Mars
2. “Mamoru, each and every one of us have stars in our hearts, and you know that the star is shining when you feel that heat.” – Sailor Moon
3. “If i would ever fall in love…..I’m sure I would want that person to belong to me. I’d make them all mine…….but I might ruin them in the process. So I’m never going to fall in love. I don’t need love right now. I have friends with the same purpose as me. I have all of you.” – Sailor Mars
4. “They call me the Sailor Scout of Destruction, only because I possess powers that could destroy a planet. They fear me.” – Sailor Saturn
5. “One more point would’ve gotten me a perfect grade, but I guess I didn’t study enough.” – Sailor Mercury
6. “Thinking isn’t going to get us anywhere.” – Sailor Moon
7. “You’re so unfair, Michiru…To leave into your own world…Don’t leave me alone.” – Sailor Uranus
8. “That’s so sweet I’m getting cavities!” – Beryl

Sailor Moon Quotes
9. “Endymion, you are my first love, my only love… even if we’re reborn, in another life, we’ll find each other… and then… We’ll fall in love again.” – Sailor Moon
10. “I shall never doubt the power of innocent dreamers. I shall never doubt the dreams of innocent children.” – Queen Nehellenia
11. “I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice! On behalf of the moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you!” – Sailor Moon
12. “I can’t be defeated again! I’ve waited so long for this! Tell me how to win this!” – Beryl
13. “Believe in yourself and nothing can stop you.” – Sailor Venus
14. “Please stop talking about math when I’m eating.” – Sailor Venus
15. “A future is something that you make yourself. You have to believe in it.” – Sailor Mercury
16. “Just ’cause you’re a girl doesn’t mean you have to wait for a prince to come along on a white horse. You can go out and find Prince Charming yourself. It’s up to you to find the right boy.” – Sailor Mini Moon

Sailor Moon Quotes
17. “Are all former rock stars as loony as you?” – Amara
18. “It’s not nice to pick on people weaker than you.”- Sailor Jupiter
19. “Pull yourself together, Serena! This is no time for crying!” – Sailor Moon
20. “No matter how much you change, please don’t forget there are people who care for you.” – Sailor Moon
21. “All alone – I’ll cherish living all alone forever with my dreams. I’ll be beautiful always. I will be forever young and beautiful.” – Queen Nehellenia
22. “There’s a deafening silence coming closer. Something terrible is going to happen. In order to avoid it, we need to have these powerful pure hearts. I hate the thought of sacrificing a life, but if it helps to save the rest of the world, then I must! Well? Well, what would you do?” – Amara
23. “You cry for me? You have such a big heart, Sailor Moon. But it’s all up to you now. I wish I can help, but it’s you who must save the future and reunite Nemesis with Earth.” – Prince Diamond
24. “Even when we disappear and new Sailor Senshis are born, Sailor Moon, you will always be invincible. The most beautiful shining star.” – Tuxedo Mask

Sailor Moon Quotes
24. “I’ll punish you in high heels!”- Sailor Mars
25. “Holding you close, and giving you kisses… aren’t the only symbols of love. Watching over someone from afar is a kind of love, too.” – Sailor Pluto
26. “How will I ever explain to my friends why I have tire tracks down my back?” – Sailor Moon
27. “If a soldier’s pride means hurting one another, I don’t want it.” – Sailor Moon
28. “Look who’s talking! You think the paperboy likes you just because he rides by your front door every morning!” – Mina
29. “Be pure, be honest, be beautiful.” – Sailor Mercury
30. “Luna! Artemis! lovers’ spats are icing on the cake! You’re just showing off to us single people.” – Sailor Venus
31. “Who wants that? I’d rather choose to fall in love and be hurt. Sometimes I can’t even sleep because I love someone too much. And there’s always sadness in our lives. It’s that sad feeling that keeps us going.” – Sailor Moon
32. “I’ll just warn you now, I don’t know how to use a computer.” – Sailor Moon

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“You saved my life, though, so you must have some kind of heart. And now that you know you were wrong, maybe you can start changing your ways.” – Sailor Moon
“The people of the world, all of them, whether it is the different race or the different language or the different lifestyle, tend to only think about what we cannot share. But our brains are all the same. We are the same people.” – Sailor Moon
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