Let’s start with a Nomination – Sunshine blogger award !!!!

So hello people !! Hope you’re doing well. As you can see I’m back from a long break. And I was really missing you all. So now let’s start again with a nomination. Hope you guys remember me !!

Let’s take a moment to thank Ernest for nominating me for this award. This is my first nomination of Sunshine blogger Award.


Rules :-

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. List the rules and display an award logo on blog post.
  3. Answer the 11 questions
  4. Nominate 11 new blogs.
  5. Ask nominees 11 new questions.

So let’s move on to the questions..

1. What is the meaning of your name

Well, almost all the people know my name. If somebody doesn’t then I’ll tell again. My name is Prakriti. And meaning of my name is “nature”.

2. What is your country of birth


3. Do you believe in God

I believe in humanity. I’m not as strong believer 🙂

4. What is your religious affiliation.

Doesn’t matter, my friend 🙂

5. What is your weakness.

I’m not sure about it.

6. Are you a Republican or Democrat.

India is a democratic country 🙂

7. What do you prefer fiction or nonfiction.

I love both 🙂

8. What kinds of blogs inspires you.

Blogs which are related to poetry and all and which contain deep meanings. Moreover blogs which contain realistic stuff inspires me a lot !!

9. If you can change one thing in this world, what would that be.

I wanna change many things. But the answer to this question would be “restricted thinking of the people and our society”. Hope you have understood.

10. What would you like to see in a place called home.

Peace, happiness, comfort, and above all I should be present there 😂

11. What do you feel about recieving an award on WordPress.

I’m flattered. 😻😻

Now it’s the time for listing my nominees. My nominees are :-




Riya rajayyan

Dr. Nimish

Prashanti Alluri


Manoj Mehra

Now questions for my nominees :-

  • How do you maintain the blog and life balance.
  • What’s the question that people ask you after visiting your blog.
  • If you go back in time will you still start a blog despite being knowing the outcomes.
  • Are you a party animal.
  • What types of blogs do you prefer the most.
  • What is that particular thing, you have no problem splurging on.
  • For one day, if you became the world’s richest person what you’ll do.
  • If you get a power for one day to get rid of any vegetable or fruit you don’t like, which vegetable or fruit would be that.
  • Which is your favourite meme.
  • Books or movies.

So here it all ended thank you for reading my article. After a break of 1 month I was dying to write something.

Love you all… ♥️♥️


👆👆 My love☺️

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