Not Many People Have Discipline… But The Great Ones Do

Not Many People Have Discipline… But The Great Ones Do | Motivational Video

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Not Many People Have Discipline… But The Great Ones Do | Motivational Video – Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Chris Ross

Not Many People Have Discipline… But The Great Ones Do | Motivational Video – by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

Not many people have discipline…
 but the great ones do.

Not many people work on themselves EVERY DAY…
 but the great ones do.
Not many people are willing to sacrifice for YEARS to live a better life in the future…
 But the great ones are.

There’s really something to this…
Learning from the people who are living a life similar to that you want to live.

Learning from those who ACHIEVE…
 Not only achieve financial results… but are living a RICH life.
 Not rich in terms of money, but in all areas. HEALTH, HAPPINESS, FUN, a quality of life MOST don’t enjoy.

You see – having self-discipline is NOT usually fun in the moment…
But that self-discipline leads to a higher quality life later. 
It always does.

If you’re disciplined to do the work, consistently… over time, you will see the rewards.
 If you’re disciplined, consistently, to eat healthy foods… over time, you will see the results in your physical shape, and the energy from greater health.

DISCIPLINE works… always.
 The problem is, most people aren’t willing to suffer NOW for a greater LATER….
 MOST PEOPLE choose EASY NOW and PAIN later.

Those are really the only options.
What do you choose?

Most people finish school and pack up the books.
 This is a big-mistake.

Life doesn’t end after school, and nor should your education. Especially self-education.
 Because almost everything YOU are interested in, was not taught in school.

You have to teach yourself.
 You have to find what you love, and build something around that.

School will never teach you the most important subjects…
 Mental-health. How to build mental strength.
 How to develop emotional strength and resilience.

How to become self-sufficient and build an income for YOURSELF… so you can enjoy the FREEDOM that comes with that.
 So you don’t have to rely on OTHERS to live the life YOU want to live.

You really have to ask yourself what you want from life… and what you’re willing to sacrifice to get it.
 Are you willing to give up 10 years to live 50 years in comfort.

Are you willing to sacrifice for ONE YEAR to build stronger habits that will last a lifetime?

What are you willing to do, to live the life you would like to choose?

What’s it going to be?
 You choose.

not everyone has discipline

 What do you choose?
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