I Always Back Myself (Powerful Motivational Speech)

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I ALWAYS BACK MYSELF (Motivational Speech) – Copyright: Fearless Motivation
Speakers: Chris Ross

I Always Back Myself (Powerful Motivational Speech) – by Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE:

I don’t care what the odds are… if there is ANY chance… ANY CHANCE… I will back myself.

If there’s a hope in hell… I will fight for that hope. I will fight for my HEAVEN.

What’s the alternative? Quit? Surrender?… No. We do not quit. We never surrender.

If I am going one V one with LeBron James, Jordan, Tyson, Ali… A LION or KING KONG HIMSELF!… ANYONE!!! It doesn’t matter who it is or how great they are… I will back myself!

Not because I’m arrogant. Not because I am stupid… because if there is a chance – it IS POSSIBLE. And if it is POSSIBLE – I HAVE TO FIGHT for that POSSIBILITY.

Even if the odds are one in a billion… or one in 100 trillion – I DO NOT CARE! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN when you’re willing to die for the cause.

This talk is not about going one V one with the greats of sport… this is about BELIEVING IN YOURSELF when the world convinced you, you have no right to believe. When your conditioning… or your family… or society convinced you to stay in your safe little box…

“You’re not good enough to do that”…
“It’s too risky”…
“It can’t be done”…
“No one in the family has done that before”…
“Take the safe path”… NO!

I will fight for my greatest life. I will fight for my TRUE POTENTIAL.

If they think it’s impossible – I BACK MYSELF. If it hasn’t been done – I BACK MYSELF! If it ‘can’t’ be done… I BACK MYSELF! I BACK MYSELF! Do you understand??? I ALWAYS BACK MYSELF!

Don’t even consider it a possibility I will back down from a challenge. I won’t. I won’t quit. I won’t surrender. I will always back myself.

You have to have the courage to fight for what you really want in life… if you don’t… you’ll only guarantee living in regret. I don’t want that to be my life. I’d rather die trying.

Believe in yourself.

I don't care what the odds are... I ALWAYS BACK MYSELF! Click to Tweet

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