Thank You For Your Patience & Why You Need to Hear This More

"Thank you for your patience" is a term that you often hear from a business. It's a business way of trying to offer excellent customer service. As a consumer, it's often taken as a bad thing because it means you had to wait. As a society, we don't tolerate waiting anymore. 

Technology has sped up so many things: 

  • Push to start cars instead of fumbling for keys
  • High-speed internet over dial-up 
  • Instant video calling on smartphones 
  • Email instead of sending a letter
  • Texting instead of calling
  •  Order food on demand
  • Pick up a car-ride on demand 

Everything is getting faster and faster, but its creating problems. When you expect never to have to wait for anything, there are also considerable downsides to that.

Hearing "thank you for your patience," a bit more may help you to succeed in life. 

“It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die. Than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.” - Julius Caesar

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The Downside of Not Having to Wait As Much 

It's easy to see the positives of having less of a wait time. When your internet is moving fast, you can find what you want quicker. When your food comes quicker, you don't have to endure your hunger. 

Speed tends to make life better, except when it doesn't at all. Sometimes the ease of life can even create moving forward seem impossible. It's easy to push your button to start your car. It's easy when you feel like you can find any piece of information on Google. 

What has not gotten easier is a success. If you want to be good at anything, I would argue it's harder than ever if you don't have patience. Whereas before, the key to success had a few more resources than others. 

Today, you will see people who have access to every resource you can imagine. Libraries full of books, homes full of technology, and struggle to achieve anything because they want everything to come on demand. 

You can order food on demand, but you can't build a business on the market. Building a successful marriage on demand will never be a thing. Overcoming trauma on demand is not possible. Making wealthy quickly is only for movies. 

The great things in life all come at a cost, and that cost is called patience. 

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What has not gotten easier is a success. If you want to be good at anything, I would argue it's harder than ever if you don't have patience. Whereas before, the key to success had a few more resources than others. 

"Thank You For Your Patience" is Practice for Success 

When you are dealing with a horrible customer service situation, its practice for success. You know the problems I'm talking about.

The ones where you're so upset, and you keep getting told you need to talk to a different department. You're so fed up that you're happy it's on the phone because you might do something unthinkable in person. Do you know those situations? 

These represent practice for success. How do you think starting a business feels? You put a crazy amount of time and effort into building something for others, and no one cares about it. You get a year in, and you thought you would be living the good life, and you can still barely get a sale. 

It would be best if you remembered that our on-demand lifestyle had made many in our society quitters. People who are unable to endure hardships will never get to taste success. Every time they are getting close, the difficulty will arise, and they will quit. 

But what will you do? Will you hang in there? If you think so, then being able to handle hearing "thank you for your patience" a few times should not be challenging. 

These small moments in life represent tests. It's like watching how someone treats a waiter/waitress. It's a short test that gives you a glimpse of how someone treats people who can do nothing for them. 

Read - The Road to Success Always Goes Through This

These represent practice for success. How do you think starting a business feels? You put a crazy amount of time and effort into building something for others, and no one cares about it. You get a year in, and you thought you would be living the good life, and you can still barely get a sale.

Patience and Persistence is The New Currency for Success 

Patience alone is not enough to succeed. You could sit around waiting all day and have nothing happen. You need to be persistent at the same time. Patience is to stay, but persistence is to continue pushing forward, even in the face of difficulty.

Patience will help you in times when you have no control. There are times in life where you can't do anything to change the situation. No amount of connections or hard work will turn a rainy day into a sunny one.

Persistence helps you when you do have control. Persistence is what allows you to work harder or find a new way to approach an old problem. You can usually tell how bad someone wants something by their willingness to come to an old issue in a new way.

When you have both of these attributes, you become unstoppable. No matter the situation you're in, you keep working towards what you want in life.

Patience will help you in times when you have no control. There are times in life where you can't do anything to change the situation. No amount of connections or hard work will turn a rainy day into a sunny one.

Thank You for Your Patience, You Now Have The Keys to Your Dreams

The reward for being able to hand in there is a success. Go through our Net Worth and Key Habit articles, and you will quickly see the truth. Time and time again, you see successful people talking about patience and persistence. 

The problem is that too many people look at the result, which is a success. But spend too little time thinking about how one gets there. If you do this enough, it starts to seem like success comes out of nowhere, but you see a much different picture when you study success. 

Everyone has dreams and desires. If you want an opportunity to see those come to life, you will need patience and persistence. The rewards for having those traits are a chance at your dreams. 

Once you know this, "Thank you for your patience," should bring you joy. It's a chance to pass another test and prove you have what it takes. 

Everyone has dreams and desires. If you want an opportunity to see those come to life, you will need patience and persistence. The rewards for having those traits are a chance at your dreams. 

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Thank you for your patience

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