“The risks of the conflict never overwhelmed me, only the fear of marginalization.”— Marie Benedict. Here are 60 Best Overwhelmed Quotes.
Overwhelmed Quotes
1.“Getting knocked down in life is a given. Getting up and moving forward is a choice.” – Zig Ziglar
2.“He was swimming in a sea of other people’s expectations. Men had drowned in seas like that.” — Robert Jordan
3.“Let us drop our 'tin ear' and listen to the sounds of the 'real' world veiled beyond our inattention, and overwhelmed by the smoke and mirrors of superficiality. ("Like a frozen image")” — Erik Pevernagie
4.“Regardless of the situation, don’t let the bastards win … and have no regrets … for it will be a good day!” — R.G. Risch
5.“but there was nothing I could do to dim the supernovae exploding inside my brain, an endless chain of intra cranial firecrackers.” — John Green
6.“I had some terrific experiences in the wilderness since I wrote you last - overpowering, overwhelming," he gushed to his friend Cornel Tengel. "But since then I am always being overwhelmed. I require it to sustain life.Everett Ruess” — Jon Krakauer
7.“I could no longer discern what was real and what was fake. Everything, including the present, seemed to be both too much and nothing at all.” — Clemantine Wamariya
8.“The risks of the conflict never overwhelmed me, only the fear of marginalization.”— Marie Benedict
9.“I had a dream that I was being drowned in a flood and I realized it was a flood of people.” — Ellen Burstyn
10.“The way you live your days is the way you live your life” — Brigid Schulte
11.“I thought I might cry, the way you do when someone gives your some kindness when you most need it but when it seems the most surprising thing.” — Deb Caletti
12.“Exiting a bus, déjà vu overwhelmed me, that ephemeral phenomena of alignment so perfect it is eerie.” — Aspen Matis
13.“How long do you mean to be content?” — Percy Bysshe
14.“I don't cry. I refuse to get depressed or overwhelmed. Feelings like these are for people who don't have such elaborate to-do lists.” — Janine Urbaniak Reid
15.“All our stuck places track back to the twin existential threats to our survival and well-being: abandonment and being overwhelmed. 47” — James Hollis

Overwhelmed Quotes
16.“The problem is not that the world is a mess, but that we expect it to be otherwise.” — Matt Haig
17.“The world is too fucking big. Sometimes, I can't even carry myself through all the love and fear.” — Sherman Alexie
18.“I cut all my words out. My heart was too full of them.” — Holly Goldberg Sloan
19.“There is a fine line between challenging yourself and overwhelming yourself.””— Brittany Burgunder
20.“He began to feel overwhelmingly guilty for still being alive, while others continued to die around him.” — Jason Medina
21.“There is not a lot you can see when there are tears in your eyes.” — Alain Bremond-Torrent
22.“Sometimes being overwhelmed by emotions can leave you speechless but even then it is important to identify the correct emotion.” — Sam Owen
23.“Alone in the gloom, surrounded by books, it was hard not to feel overwhelmed” — Leigh Bardugo
24.“When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I” —Psalm 61:2
25.“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.” —Paulo Coelho
26.“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” — Timber Hawkeye
27.“Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” — Robert J. Sawyer
28.“A woman who lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule will often ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul.” —Lysa Terkeurst
29.“Sometimes you just need to be selfish and take care of you. If they love you, they’ll understand.” — Robert Tew
30.“I feel so much that it is hard for me at times to feel anything at all.” — Mary Kate Teske

Overwhelmed Quotes
31.“Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.” —Jean-Paul Sartre
32.“I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had absolutely no other place to go.” — Abraham Lincoln
33.“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” — Ann Landers
34.“Life can be magnificent and overwhelming—that is the whole tragedy. Without beauty, love, or danger it would almost be easy to live.” — Albert Camus
35.“When it hurts—observe. Life is trying to teach you something.” — Anita Krizzan
36.“Some days you will feel like the ocean. Some days you will feel like you are drowning in it.” — Lora Mathis
37.“I often think I can’t do this anymore but then I realize what choice do I have?” —Justin Blaney
38.“If you're overwhelmed by the size of a problem, break it down into smaller pieces." ~ Chuck Close” —Chuck Close
39.“At some stages of your life you will deal with things and at others you are overwhelmed with misery and anxiety.” —Nigella Lawson
40.“I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling.” —Frida Kahlo
41.“Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by Nature” —George Harrison
42.“If I feel strongly about anything, I get overwhelmed with emotion.” —Emma Stone
43.“No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” —Friedrich Nietzsche
44.“I am overwhelmed by the grace and persistence of my people.” —Maya Angelou
45.“One must not let oneself be overwhelmed by sadness.” — Jackie Kennedy

Overwhelmed Quotes
46.“I think women today are so overwhelmed and overtaxed.” —Sandra Lee
47.“When I was young I felt really overwhelmed and confused by the desire not to end up in an office, doing something I didn't believe in.” — Lana Del Rey
48.“The individual has always to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.” —Friedrich Nietzsche
49.“Every relationship I've been in, I've overwhelmed the girl. They just can't handle all the love.” — Justin Timberlake
50.“He who does not contemplate the future is destined to be overwhelmed by it.” — H. G. Wells
51.“I am overwhelmed by the beautiful disorder of poetry, the eternal virginity of words.” —Theodore Roethke
52.“Most everyone I know feels frazzled and overwhelmed most of the time.”—Kevin DeYoung
53.“The artist is chosen by God to fulfill his commands and must never be overwhelmed by public opinion.” — Albrecht Durer
54.“Andrew Johnson wasn't too bad, but he was overwhelmed by a hostile Congress.”—Harry S. Truman
55.“My grandmother was overwhelmed by what was happening to us. She ahd moved back into the past because the here and the now was too terrible.” —Alice Hoffman
56.“Sadness is not always the worst feeling. Sometimes it's a really pleasurable thing to be overwhelmed with sadness.” —Matt Berninger
57.“By nature, I'm a little distractible. I get very overwhelmed by the world.” —Zoe Leonard
58.“I was kind of overwhelmed by the idea that we are just balls of energy and that we have imposed terms on feelings.” —Ruth Wilson
59.“If my heart is overwhelmed and I cannot hear your voice, I hold on to what is true. I will believe.” —Kari Jobe
60.“I get overwhelmed when I approach things intellectually.” —Keegan-Michael Key

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Best of Overwhelmed Quotes
“When I was young I felt really overwhelmed and confused by the desire not to end up in an office, doing something I didn't believe in.” — Lana Del Rey
“When it hurts—observe. Life is trying to teach you something.” — Anita Krizzan
“Life can be magnificent and overwhelming—that is the whole tragedy. Without beauty, love, or danger it would almost be easy to live.” — Albert Camus
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