“Now let me know when I come to something that interests you.” - Foghorn Leghorn. Here are 31 Foghorn Leghorn Quotes.
Foghorn Leghorn Quotes
1. “You know, there just might be a market for bottled duck.” - Foghorn Leghorn
2. “Fortunately, I always carry a spare set of feathers.” - Foghorn Leghorn
3. “There's something a little yeeeee about a boy that don't like baseball.” - Foghorn Leghorn
4. “Any of this getting through that little old bluebonnet of yours.” - Foghorn Leghorn
5. “He's about as sharp as a bowling ball.” - Foghorn Leghorn
6. “Course you know this means war.” - Foghorn Leghorn
7. “Gal reminds me of the highway between Forth Worth and Dallas - no curves.” - Foghorn Leghorn
8. “Put that egghead book down, boy.” - Foghorn Leghorn

Foghorn Leghorn Quotes
9. “Now looka, I say, looka here.” - Foghorn Leghorn
10. “I say that dog is lower than a snake full of buckshot.” - Foghorn Leghorn
11. “You just know I'm gonna do something about this.” - Foghorn Leghorn
12. “Oh, that woman got a mouth like an outboard motor.” - Foghorn Leghorn
13. “Looks like the boy genius is tryin' to show me up.” - Foghorn Leghorn
14. “What in the name of Jesse James do you suppose that is?” - Foghorn Leghorn
15. “Nice boy but he's got more nerve than a bum tooth.” - Foghorn Leghorn

Foghorn Leghorn Quotes
16. “That dog's as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oatmeal.” - Foghorn Leghorn
17. “Who's responsible for this unwarranted attack on my person?” - Foghorn Leghorn
18. “Scared - who me - course I'm not squared.” - Foghorn Leghorn
19. “Smart boy got a mind like a steel trap - full of mice.” - Foghorn Leghorn
20. “This boy's more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind.” - Foghorn Leghorn
21. “What in the world's that hen up to now?” - Foghorn Leghorn
22. “That’s a joke, I say, that’s a joke, son.” - Foghorn Leghorn
23. “I say, boy, pay attention when I'm talkin' to ya, boy.” - Foghorn Leghorn

Foghorn Leghorn Quotes
24. “Boy, you cover about as much as a flapper's skirt in a high wind.” - Foghorn Leghorn
25. “Go, I say, go away, boy, you bother me.” - Foghorn Leghorn
26. “You'd like that, wouldn't you, boy.” - Foghorn Leghorn
27. “Pay attention to me boy! I'm not just talkin' to hear my head roar.” - Foghorn Leghorn
28. “Now that's no way for a kid to be wastin' his time, readin' that long-haired gobbledegook.” - Foghorn Leghorn
29. “What's all the whoopin' and hollerin about, boy.” - Foghorn Leghorn
30. “That's what I've been - I say, that's what I've been telling you, boy!” - Foghorn Leghorn
31. “Now cut that out, boy, or I'll spank you where the feathers are thinnest.” - Foghorn Leghorn

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Best of Foghorn Leghorn Quotes
“This boy’s more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind”- Foghorn Leghorn
“That dog’s as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oat meal”- Foghorn Leghorn
“This boy’s making more noise than a couple of skeletons throwin’ a fit on a tin roof”- Foghorn Leghorn
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