9 Intentional Ways to Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today

You can get so busy in life, looking for success or the next win, that you forget what life is really about. It's powerful to have a goal of making a certain amount of money or to travel the world.

It's even more powerful to be the reason someone smiles today. You can wake up and do that every day for the rest of your life if you want to. 

Life is about what you do for other people. People will not remember what car you drove, but they will never forget how you made them feel. The days that you take someone from the dumps to being hopeful and joyful will stick with people.

You may not remember it, but they always will. To be the reason someone smiles today, it takes being intentional.

"A simple smile. That's the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others." - Dalai Lama

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Look in the Mirror and Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today 

The best place to start is to look in the mirror. Most people can point out the pain and problems in the world today but not acknowledge how they are a part of that problem. Each day that you don't try and make someone smile is a lost opportunity to improve the world. 

Making someone else smile is a ripple effect of goodness throughout the world. Before it can happen, it means you need to be able to smile at others. You need to be willing to run the risk of smiling at another person and blowing right by you. You need to run the risk of wanting to help others who don't care for your help. 

Control What You Can Control

When you look in the mirror first, it allows you to focus on what you control. You can only control you. The actions you take and the words that come out of your mouth are things you can handle. You can't control or change other people. 

The goal is not to focus on what you want others to do. Instead, focus on what you need to do, and that will begin to rub off on other people. When you look in the mirror and see a great smile, others will feel your positive energy. 

Read - Focus On What You Can Control

When you look in the mirror first, it allows you to focus on what you control. You can only control you. The actions you take and the words that come out of your mouth are things you can handle. You can't control or change other people. 

Why You Should Want to Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today 

You never know what battles other people are facing or what they could be going through. Before I turned 26, I lost two good friends to suicide. It hurt terribly, knowing how much they must have been straining to get to that point. Taking time out of the day to bring joy to others became that much more important to me. 

When you see someone every day, and they seem like they are hurting or off, we must try and bring joy to them. The simple act of caring can be what makes all of the difference in their lives. It's not to say that a smile will make all of their problems going away, but it's a step in the right direction. 

It creates a ripple effect throughout society. One person does a nice thing for another person, and because of reciprocation, humans feel the need to pass that goodness onto others. 

You could see someone who looks a bit down and out and change there a state at that moment. You can take them from sad to joyful, and that inspires them to do the same for someone else. The ripple effect will go further than you may ever know. 

Read - 48 Smile Quotes to Bring You Joy

It creates a ripple effect throughout society. One person does a nice thing for another person, and because of reciprocation, humans feel the need to pass that goodness onto others. 

9 Intentional Ways to Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today  

Here are nine ways that you can be intentional everyday about putting a smile on someone's face. You don't need to be cheesy or extra; you have to commit to being the right person. You will have to use your discretion using these based on where your relationship is with that person. 

1. Genuinely Smile At Others

You can smile at a stranger or someone you know. It does not matter where the relationship is. If you want to smile on another face, it's best if you're the example of what an acceptable smile looks like. 

Too many people are caught in their worlds and problems to notice others. The bigger the city, the more people try to ignore other humans. One of the best things you can do is breakthrough that mindset and smile at others. It will throw them off at first, but it will make a difference. 

2. Give Compliments 

If you notice someone has made a smile change or have done something well, let them know. If you like the color of their shoes, show them some love. 

Some people feel unnoticed and unloved. They feel like their existence does not make a difference. When you compliment them, you show them that you notice them and value them as well. 

3. Have a Deep Conversation

Life is full of way too many surface-level conversations. Too much small talk and chit chat leave people feeling like they are losing any deep relationships. Be intentional about moving past the small talk with others. 

Build trust with people and try and talk about some real things going on. Open up and be honest with others, and some will do the same. It will be therapeutic for some people to move past these surface-level convos and open up about how they feel. 

4. Take a Load Off Their Shoulders

If you know something is weighing them down, offer to help them out in that area:

  • Watch their pits
  • Babysit their kids
  • Bring them lunch 
  • Help them with an assignment 
  • Study with them

Whatever it takes to make their burden feel a bit lighter. At the moment, they may not notice it, but in the long run, it will put a smile on their face to know that they have someone in their life that will step in like that. 

5. Be a Listening Ear

Some people don't need a back and forth conversation. What they need is someone to listen to them so they can be heard fully. They don't need advice or feedback. They want to know someone will listen to all of their words. 

Suppose you start talking to someone and feel like they need a vent session offer to listen. Let them know that they can vent to you so they can get it off their chest but ensure that they can trust you. 

6. Watch a Funny Video Together

If you think you know someone's sense of humor pretty well, people always enjoy a funny video. Watch it with them though, don't just text it to them. You want to watch it together, so you have a social aspect to it. People have a desire for community. 

If you can get someone to laugh, all of their problems melt away for those moments of laughter. Whatever is bringing someone down becomes irrelevant during laughter.  

7. Go For a Walk Together

Ask someone if they would like to go for a quick walk with you. Walking is great for many different reasons. Most people spend too much time at their desks staring at a screen each day. 

When you walk, you get sunshine, a conversation, and your body gets to move. These are three things that all will boost moods and increase life satisfaction. 

8. Send Some GIFs

If you have someone's phone number or emails, you can send them some funny GIFs that you run into. You will not see them smile, but it's such a simple way to make someone's day. 

9. Write a Handwritten Letter 

One of the most powerful ways to impact someone is to write them a handwritten letter. We know how special these are because of the thought and time they take. Anyone can send a quick email, but few people will write a hand note. 

Let them know how much they matter and how awesome they are. No human in modern history can get a lovely handwritten note and not feel better.

Read - 41 Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Motivated

Too many people are caught in their worlds and problems to notice others. The bigger the city, the more people try to ignore other humans. One of the best things you can do is breakthrough that mindset and smile at others. It will throw them off at first, but it will make a difference.

Our Society Lacks Compassion to Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today

One of the biggest problems our society faces today is a lack of compassion for others. We see so much division not because we are all so different but because we are so similar and refuse to see it. 

We focus on the areas we disagree with instead of having compassion for another human and how they feel. The only way the world gets better is when we humble ourselves and seek to understand others. 

Guess what, if you're around people you don't like, you can still be the reason others smile today or any other day. It's up to you to listen and love them to the best of your ability. 

Imagine what our world would look like if people listened, loved, and took ownership. It would mean there would be more understanding, more care, and much less blame. 

Read - 32 Affectionate Caring for Others Quotes

We focus on the areas we disagree with instead of having compassion for another human and how they feel. The only way the world gets better is when we humble ourselves and seek to understand others. 

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Be The Reason Someone else smiles today

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