Waka Flocka Net Worth and Key Habits

Waka Flocka Net Worth = $7 Million

Waka Flocka or “Waka Flocka Flame” is an American rapper. He is known for his hit album “Flockaveli.” Waka is also a member of the popular show “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.

The rapper was born Juaquin James Malphurs on May 31, 1986, in New York. His mother is the CEO of Ѕо Ісу/Міzау Еntеrtаіnmеnt and the former manager of Gucci Mane.  Waka Flocka married Tammy Riviera in 2014 but they don’t have children together.

Some of the great hits by Waka include:

  • О Lеt’ѕ Dо Іt!
  • Hard In Da Paint”
  • No Hands

Waka has a net worth of approximately $7 million as of 2021.

Source of Wealth

Birth Info

Juaquin James Malphurs

United States 


Quotes - Waka Flocka Net Worth and Key Habits

“No matter how you're feeling, a little dog gonna love you.”

-Waka Flocka

“My favorite thing about being engaged is your partner knowing what you want. For us, we love going out to eat.”

-Waka Flocka

“Waka Flocka is a product, a franchise, a brand, a label... And a good guy!”

-Waka Flocka

It's a totally big difference between a person that got lyrics and a person that can make hit singles. I'm a person that can make some hit singles.”

-Waka Flocka

“I'm not in no booth trying to be a lyrical genius. Yah, I'm preparing to make me some singles, and as I develop as a man, then they'll respect my emcee skills.”

-Waka Flocka

“I came from nothing really to something; I came from the gutter to making the gutters.”

-Waka Flocka

"A blunt day will take the pain away."

-Waka Flocka

“I focus my energies more so on staying original.”

-Waka Flocka

Waka Flocka Net Worth and Key Habits

Habit #1: Build Your Brand

The world has changed drastically, and every industry is highly competitive. Thus, it's essential to build your brand and enhance your competitiveness. That way, you can stay ahead of your competitors and continue making money.

Flocka once said, "Waka Flocka is a product, a franchise, a brand, a label... And a good guy!" The rapper believes that he wouldn't be today if he didn't take time to grow his brand in the music industry.

You need to build a strong brand if you want to be successful in your career and business. Don't copy what other people do because you can't duplicate style.

You may become famous by copying others, but you've got to build a strong brand if you want to have lasting fame. Let your fans or customers know you for who you are, what you do, and not what you pretend to be.

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Waka Flocka is a product, a franchise, a brand, a label... And a good guy!”

Habit #2: Work Hard To Be The Best

It's good to work hard to be the best in whatever you do whenever you have an opportunity to do. Remember that you can't stand out from your peers by doing an average job.

Waka Flocka is on record for saying that it's a vast difference between a person who got lyrics and a person who can make hit singles. I'm a person that can make some hit singles." The rapper works very hard to release hit tracks to remain on the top of the game.

You can't build massive wealth by being an average performer. Don't be comfortable because you make enough money to pay your bills. You should go the extra mile and make enough money to save and invest.

If you are an employee, you should work hard to become the best in your company. For those in business, you should work hard to grow your business into a big company.

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You can't build massive wealth by being an average performer. Don't be comfortable because you make enough money to pay your bills. You should go the extra mile and make enough money to save and invest.

Habit #3: Success Is Gradual

According to Waka Flocka, success is a gradual process, and it takes time. The rapper once said, "I came from nothing really to something; I came from the gutter to making the gutters." Waka started from the bottom, and today he's one of the best rappers in America.

You can't rush success because some things are beyond your control. Take time and grow your career as you continue making gradual achievements.

Don't lose hope along the way because successful people aren't quitters. Keep pushing, and you'll eventually accomplish your goals as long as you're doing the right thing.

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You can't rush success because some things are beyond your control. Take time and grow your career as you continue making gradual achievements.

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Summary - Waka Flocka Net Worth and Key Habits

Build Your Brand

Work Hard To Be The Best

Success Is Gradual

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